Danil is looking for a job

Hi! My name is Danil, and I'm looking for a job in the IT world.

My professional skills include:

  • Programing languages - Python, JavaScript
  • Web technologies - HTML, CSS
  • SQL - CRUD-operations, window queries, joins etc.
  • Docker - container management, writing dockerfiles, docker-compose
  • Git - all the basic operations
  • English - I scored 8.0 in IELTS exam.

Python libraries I have most experience with:

  • Data handling - pandas, numpy, matplotlib
  • Web backend - Django
  • Web scraping - requests, selenium, beautifulsoup
  • Desktop applications - PyQT

Apart from that I'm highly interested in machine learning and have some experience with tensorflow, pytorch and transformers.
My most recent pet projects that I have on my GitHub page:

Apart from that I have much experience in web-scraping, and also built a couple of Telegram bots.
You can read more on my education and previous experience here

If you have any job you can offer me, please contact me: